Laura Stewart


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00:00:53 - Personal background and family

Play segment

Keywords: Alabama; Benjamin David Coffey; Bonnie Counts; Burns; Doris Freda Barnette; Durant; Eunice L. Barnette; Eunice Lula Jones; Fuschata; James Jerold Barnette; James Yartubby Barnette; Jim; John; John F. Barnette; John Fuschata Barnette; Jones; Julia Burns; Morgan Burns; Paula; Professor; Quassarte; Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Stidham; Woodward; art; educators; elementary; grandfather; school; teachers

Subjects: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-; Covid 19; Muscogee (Creek) Nation; Pandemics

00:04:06 - Life in Durant Oklahoma, college and career.

Play segment

Keywords: Ada; Art Education; Ben Coffin; Blake Stewart; California; Chickasaw Nation; East Central University; K-12; Lance Stewart; Mark Cox; Oklahoma; Public Art Instructor; Santa Fe; Southeastern Oklahoma State University; art; arts; college; creativity; galleries; gallery; master's degree; museum; museums; music; painter; painting; small

00:10:38 - Family living in the Muscogee Nation

Play segment

Keywords: Barnette; Bonnie Jean Barnett; Bonnie Jean Counts; Muscogee

00:11:42 - Professional work with the Chickasaw Nation

Play segment

Keywords: Ada; Cherokee; Chickasaw Nation; Choctaw; First American; Seminole; art; arts; bead work; beads; career; children; creativity; culture; diverse; job security; outreach; public school; public school system; services; teacher; team; tribes; waving

00:18:59 - Laura Stewart as an artist

Play segment

Keywords: Mississippi; Mounds; ancestors; color; evening light; first morning light; homeland; inspiration; land; light; media; nature; objects; painting; plants; shadows; sketchbook; trees

00:22:04 - On experiencing the Muscogee homelands as an artist and as a Muscogee 00:23:11 - Upon first hearing about the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: 2020; Chickasaw Nation; March; Oklahoma; in-person; inperson; pandemic; serious; service

00:24:32 - Conversations with friends and family pertaining to the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: Christmas; Easter; July 4th; March; Thanksgiving; celebrations; elder; family; gathering; gone; mother; year

00:26:11 - On the experience of being told to shelter in place with lockdowns

Play segment

Keywords: lockdowns; masks; offices; retired; safe; shelter in place; virtual; work

00:27:49 - Safety measures taken during the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: Ada; disinfect; doorknobs; early; masks; months; police; sanitizing; shop; shopping; store; weekends

00:29:53 - On keeping older relatives safe

Play segment

Keywords: Covid; March; alone; angels; assisted; assisted living; daily meal; decorate; director; fell; hallways; hospital; independent; isolate; mask; mother; negative; nursing homes; packed; pandemic; positive; protocols; quarantine; sanitize; skilled nursing; struggle; trust; visit; visitors; window; workers

00:35:10 - Knowledge and understanding of the Covid 19 virus

Play segment

Keywords: booster; end; hope; life is short; pandemic; scary; vaccinated; vaccine; vaccines

00:38:32 - Vaccination and side effects

Play segment

Keywords: Pfizer; Pharmaceutical industry company; adverse; arm; family; first; protection; sore

00:39:05 - Impact of the pandemic on work with the Chickasaw Nation

Play segment

Keywords: Chickasaw Nation; activities; challenge; community transmission; edit; film; important; in-person; learning curve; lives; outreach; people; presenter; proud; saved; silver lining; telework; time; transmission; virtual; work from home; world

00:42:16 - One the Chickasaw Nation's handling of the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: Chickasaw Nation; Plexiglas; appointment; challange; doctor; doctor appointment; eating out; mask; restaurant

00:43:56 - On the State of Oklahoma's handling of the pandemic as opposed to the Five Tribes

Play segment

Keywords: Five Tribes; lead; serve; tribes

00:44:45 - Has the pandemic inspired your personal art or professional programming

Play segment

Keywords: art; artifacts; artist; convey; history; painting; poem; reflection; song; thoughts; world

00:46:13 - Message to future Muscogee facing adversity

Play segment

Keywords: hope; love; pandemic; science; support