Robin Soweka


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00:00:41 - Background and family life

Play segment

Keywords: Brenda; Connors State College; Deer; Dustin; Graham; Graham-Dustin School District; Henryetta; Hickory Ground; Jacob; Lynn; Mary; Richard; Ryal; Soweka; Tugabuchee; Warner,; aunt; bus; ceremonial ground; clan; college; electrical lines; electricity; junior high schools; outside; powerlines; school; seasonal; traditional; tree trimming; trees; tribal town; uncle; welding; wood burning

GPS: Ryal Oklahoma

Map Coordinates: 35.3488181008749, -95.96399113069052
00:07:29 - Work life and experience with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation

Play segment

Keywords: Arizona; Jacob; Junior; Kingston; Okemah; brothers; cemetery; cousins; daughters; nurse; oil field; oilfield; son

00:09:32 - Traditional life

Play segment

Keywords: Chitto Harjo; English; Harjo; Hickory; Hickory Ground; Muscogee; Mvskoke; October; ceremonial ground; elders; fire; grounds; practices; spring; traditional; uprising; wagons

00:15:57 - Hobbies and leisure time

Play segment

Keywords: outside; pandemic; woodwork; woodworking

00:17:11 - The role of the cemetery crew's role as part of the Muscogee Creek Nation Historic and Cultural Preservation department

Play segment

Keywords: application; cemetery; crew; emergency; family; fence; fencing; funerals; mowing; preservation; trees; upkeep; work

00:18:34 - Upon first hearing about Covid 19

Play segment

Keywords: elders; for tell; foretell; hospital; hospital beds; pandemic

00:21:28 - Initial conversations with family and friends about the virus

Play segment

Keywords: life; lockdown; precautions; safe; shelter in place

00:22:43 - The severity of the virus and the potential impact on American life

Play segment

Keywords: Hickory ground; cancelled; dancing; elders; grounds; illness; illnesses; safe; year

00:25:26 - Measures taken to stay safe before the vaccines were developed

Play segment

Keywords: busy; cab; cemeteries; distance; drive; emergency; family; funerals; home; illness; isolation; job; on-call; plants; ride; sick; trucks; week; work

00:28:35 - Knowledge and understanding of Covid 19 and its effect on the body

Play segment

Keywords: anti; anti-vaxxer; ceremonial grounds; eating; elders; flavor; grounds; opposed; speakers; taste; vaccine; vaccines

00:31:15 - On the Muscogee (Creek) Nations leadership during the pandemic 00:31:54 - Experience being vaccinated

Play segment

Keywords: Moderna; arm; job; required; sore; work

00:33:09 - On the role of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation's during the pandemic 00:34:06 - On the continuation of Covid 19 in the world and how it changed lives

Play segment

Keywords: elder; endemic; more; start; traditional medicine; variants

00:37:03 - Advise to future Muscogee who may face similar catastrophic events

Play segment

Keywords: alone; doctors; elder; elders; faith; hospitalization; medical; positive; relatives; shots; vaccines