Darrell Proctor II


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00:00:00 - Background and family

Play segment

Keywords: 2019; Amber; Amber Lee; Amberly Proctor; Berry; Bixby; California; Darrell; Darrell Proctor; Darrell R Proctor; Deer; Deer clan; Eufaula; Hanna; Hanna High School; Haskell; Henryetta; High school; James; James Berry; Jenks; Kelsey; Kelsey M Two Bears; Kelsey Proctor Two Bears; Kimberly-Clark; Minnie J Cannon; Minnie Proctor; Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council; Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology; Okmulgee; Okmulgee Clinic; Patricia Berry; Robin; Robin Berry; Robin Proctor; Robyn; Robyn Berry; Spear; Superintendent; Tulsa; Two Bears; Weogufkee; Weogufkee Indian Baptist Church; academic terms (school year); administrative; berry baskets; bus; cattle; church; clan; classes; cosmetology; deacon; driver; farmer; health system; instrumentation program; internship; physician assistant; school; taxes; tribal town; trimester; watermelons

GPS: Vernon, OK
Map Coordinates: 35.21722918247479, -95.92557445003497
00:13:04 - Post university plans

Play segment

Keywords: Jenks; Kimberly-Clark Corporation; church; family

00:14:16 - Muscogee language work and training

Play segment

Keywords: 2020; Challenge Bowl; Creek; Emory University; Facebook; Fife; Jay Fife; Muscogee; Muscogee (Creek) Nation Language Camp; Muscogee Nation Youth Council; Rosemary McCombs Maxey; Youtube; Zoom; camp; church; class; documentary; father; immersion; pandemic; sisters; summer

00:20:03 - Importance of being a Muscogee language speaker

Play segment

Keywords: Creek; Muscogee; Mvsoke; church; connection; dad; elders; friends; grandma; grandmother; language; living; sisters

00:24:03 - Church membership and activities

Play segment

Keywords: Christianity; Creek; First Baptist; Hanna; Maxey; Rosemary; Sunday; Weogufkee; Weogufkee Ceremonial Ground; Weogufkee Church; Weogufkee Indian Baptist Church; camp; church; collection plate; converted; deacon; elders; elders (age groups); god; language camp; offering; preachers; sing; song; songs; talent; women's leader

00:30:40 - Free time interests

Play segment

Keywords: Amberly; Amberly Proctor; Claudia; Claudia McHenry; Creek; Creek Nation; McHenry; Miss Indian Oklahoma; Muscogee Nation Princess; Mvskoke; Princess; church camp; computer; converse; cousins; family; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; intermediate; language; screen; singer; singing; volleyball

00:36:07 - Upon first hearing about Covid 19.

Play segment

Keywords: Creek; Creek People; Fife; Indian Baptist Church; Jay; Jay Fife; July; May; Muscogee; Muscogee Nation; Mvskoke; Oklahoma; Yale; adapt; adjust; church; churches; death; died; disrespectful; dying; fear; gather; hands; news; nightmare; pandemic; passing; scared; school; sick; sing; uncle; unknown; virtual; virtual classrooms; virus; week

00:41:51 - Experience of living during the lockdown.

Play segment

Keywords: anger; cattle; depression; friends; grandfather; grandpa; grandparents; schoolwork; shelter; shelter in place; stress

00:44:18 - Interacting with elders during the pandemic.

Play segment

Keywords: Bixby; Creek; Dustin; Fife; Henryetta; Jay; Jay Fife; July; Ryal; Sasakwa; Seminole; Ventilator; Wetumka; ceremonial; death; died; elders; language; minister; ministers; passing; preacher; preachers; religious; sick

GPS: Ryal, Oklahoma
Map Coordinates: 35.344128583156355, -95.95201286614379
GPS: Sasakwa, Oklahoma
Map Coordinates: 34.948481601590125, -96.52464184641441
00:47:11 - Safety measures taken during the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: Hanna; Nation; city; classes; cook; cooking; curb-side; curbside; dad; distance; father; groceries; grocery; hands; home; in-person; job; lockdown; masks; online; order; pickup; rural; saftey; shelter in place; shopping; sister; walk; wash; wash hands; washer; weeks; work

00:52:09 - Understanding of the Covid 19 virus and its origins

Play segment

Keywords: church; churches; death; died; long; mutating; mutations; origins; passed; physician assistant; respiratory; side effects; sister; uncle; variant; variants; viruses

00:55:16 - Observations of younger people during the pandemic.

Play segment

Keywords: Florida; break; family; grand parents; mad; parents; parties; party; spring break; virus

00:57:06 - On vaccinations and getting vaccinated.

Play segment

Keywords: Covid; February; Moderna; Pfizer; against; anti-vaxxer; cold; death; dyeing; frightened; grandmother; mom; mother; scared; school; sick; side effects; side-effects; symptoms; vaccinated; vaccine; worried

01:01:30 - On having a family member being a medical professional during the pandemic.

Play segment

Keywords: Coronavirus Omicron variant; Kelsey; Omicron; Variant; grand parents; parents; physicians assistant

01:03:30 - Advice to future generations of Muscogee living through a similar catastrophic event like a pandemic.

Play segment

Keywords: Creek; Jackson Barnett; Muscogee; Mvskoke; The Dawes Commission; allotment; aunt; children; church; community; dad; father; friends; grand children; grounds; healing; help; movie; sister; sisters; vaccine; vaccines

01:07:11 - Reflections and comments on the pandemic experience.

Play segment

Keywords: family; fortunate; language; songs; thankful; traditions