Rebecca Barnett


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00:00:11 - Background and Family

Play segment

Keywords: Aleah; American Indian; Buffalo; Buffalo Dance; Byrd; Canadian; Cekvpe; Choctaw; Christopher; Covid; Creek; Creeks; Dominic; Ebyam; Eufaula; Eufaula-Canadian; Eufuala; Gray; Hanna; Indian Nation Turnpike; Jacob; Jagube Holden; Jigabi; Junior Byrd; Kaye LEANN; KayleAnn Holden; Lanita; Lanita Gray; Lanita Kaye; Lori; Lori Givens; Malina; Melaina Holden; Mitcha; Mitcha Barnett; Mitchell; Mitchell Barnett; Mitchelle Harjo Barnett; Muscogee (Creek) Nation College; Muscogee Creek; Mvskoke; My Day; Native American; One-room schools; Raccoon; Sallie; Sekomahe; Sekomahe Smith; Seminole; Seminole Creek; Shell shaking; Sigamaha; Smith; Sonny; Sunny; Tahlequah; Tukabatchi; Ulan; West Liberty; Xavier; Yahdeka Byrd; chief; church; circle; clan; dance; death; dominic gray; euro-americans; goat's milk; goats; highway nine; medicine; medicine men; native; natives; non-indians; one-room school; ribbon; ribbon dance; school; shell; tornado; women

GPS: Hanna Oklahoma
Map Coordinates: 35.2031490097365, -95.88846932805612
00:18:32 - Church and religious life

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Keywords: Eufaula; Fall Festival; Hanna; Okfuskee Indian Baptist Church; Sand Creek Church; Thanksgiving; Watermelon Festival; basketball; chairman; cook; elders; food; grandchildren

GPS: Wetumka, OK
Map Coordinates: 35.254719436003185, -96.15043956930948
00:22:09 - Work with the Muscogee Nation and Language

Play segment

Keywords: Creek; Creek Nation Eufaula Indian Boarding School; Darrel Proctor Jr; Darrell Proctor; England; Eufaula Dormitory; Head Start; Jay Fife; Jay Fife Jr; Junior; Language Department; Muscogee; Mvskoke; Yale; Zoom; certified; cook; government; grounds; identification; language; pandemic; stress; students; teach; teaching

GPS: Creek Nation Eufaula Indian Boarding School
Map Coordinates: 35.28626445629747, -95.59552429258319
00:34:30 - Leisure time and hobbies

Play segment

Keywords: Good Will; Tulsa; books; crochet; embroidery; gardening; pillowcases; quilt; read; reading; sew; sewing; yard

00:37:44 - Upon first hearing about Covid 19

Play segment

Keywords: 2019; 2020; Covid; Creek; February; Henryetta; Illinois; Illinois River; Indian Nation Turnpike; Indians; Lysol; Okmulgee; River; Thanksgiving; Walmart; bare; bread; breathing; children; coughing; daughter; death; disabled; disabled children; dyine; elders; empty; face mask; grandchildren; grocery; grocery store; husband; illness; kids; mask; meat; mother; pass; passing; positive; precautions; quarantine; raspatory therapist; reported; saftey; school; six; six feet; symptoms; test; ventilator

GPS: Henryetta Oklahoma
Map Coordinates: 35.44344586280598, -95.99546724199567
00:52:45 - Understanding of Covid 19 and its effects on the body

Play segment

Keywords: ancestors; breathe; burning; cousin; daughter; death; diabetic; died; elders; grandchildren; laboratory; nose; organ; smell; speakers; taste; wife

00:55:39 - Effect of the pandemic on work and employment

Play segment

Keywords: Brandon Barnett; Jordan; Language Department; Muscogee (Creek) Nation; calendars; clerk; lunch; mailings; media; printings; shutdown; staff; stressful

00:59:11 - How has the pandemic changed the way she teaches.

Play segment

Keywords: Covid; buried; death; elders; loss; recorded; speaker; speakers

Subjects: Covid 19

01:05:18 - On being vaccinated

Play segment

Keywords: Creeks; Indian; Measles; Pfizer; arm; booster; elder; fatigue; grandchildren; grandkids; husband; mask; people; risk; safe; sanitizer; sick; sister; sore; stores; vaccinated; vaccine

01:07:23 - On how the Muskogee Nation and administration has handled the pandemic

Play segment

Keywords: PA; conditions; doctor; doctors; employees; exposure; health department; hospital; infusion; physician assistant; shut-down; treatment; underlying

01:10:24 - Thoughts on how the Five Tribes have handled the pandemic compared to the State of Oklahoma

Play segment

Keywords: Creeks; Euro-American; Smallpox; clinics; hospitals; masks; measles; medical; non-Indian; speakers; tribes

01:12:40 - Message to future Muscogee who may face similar catastrophic events such as Covid 19

Play segment

Keywords: biscuits; body; bread; clean; clothes; dirt; dirty; food; grandmother; grounds; heart; love; mask; mind; mother; problem; sanitizer; solution; stay-clean; stocked; traditional; white-bread; woman